Best Terpenes For Arousal

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While cannabis and terpenes are not commonly associated or used for sexual reasons, there is some information on their usefulness in helping with arousal for both men and women.

Terpenes are aromatic compounds that give cannabis strains their distinctive flavors and scents, but they also play a significant role in the plant’s effects on the mind and body. While they usually won’t do much on their own, they can work hand-in-hand with cannabis strains to produce certain effects that are unique to specific terpenes.

By understanding which terpenes are best for enhancing libido and sexual pleasure, you can unlock a whole new level of intimacy and satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

  • Cannabis and terpenes can enhance libido and sexual pleasure by working synergistically with specific cannabis strains.
  • Terpenes can help with arousal by relieving stress, enhancing your mood, and acting as vasodilators to improve blood flow.
  • Terpenes like linalool and limonene reduce stress and elevate mood, creating a positive mindset for intimate encounters.
  • Myrcene and beta-caryophyllene enhance mood, reduce inhibitions, and promote relaxation, leading to improved sexual satisfaction.
  • Limonene-forward strains can boost mood and euphoria, potentially enhancing libido and sexual experiences.
  • Twenty One Cannabis offers a selection of terpene-rich strains like Sugar Cookie THCA Flower and Lemon Ak THCA Prerolls, designed to boost arousal and improve intimate experiences.

How Do Terpenes Affect Arousal?

So, what’s the science here? How can terpenes affect arousal and improve your sex life?

While terpenes don’t do so directly, they can produce ripple effects that can potentially lead to better arousal. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that cannabis vapor self-administration elicits sex-related behavior, suggesting that certain compounds in cannabis, like terpenes, could play a role in stimulating sexual desire and activity.

Here are the three ways it can improve your intimate interactions.

Stress Relief

Stress can be a huge blocker for your sex life. If you or your partner are stressed, there are going to be much fewer chances of sexual intimacy. This study from 2013 talks about how high levels of chronic stress were related to lower levels of genital sexual arousal in women.

Certain terpenes have powerful stress-relieving properties that can help you relax and get in the mood. Linalool, found in lavender and some cannabis strains, has a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of tranquility. 

Limonene, another common terpene with a citrusy aroma, also helps alleviate stress and elevate mood. 

By reducing stress, terpenes open you up to creating a more positive mindset for intimate encounters.

Mood Enhancement

Terpenes in cannabis, such as myrcene and beta-caryophyllene, can enhance mood and boost sexual activity. Myrcene, known for its sedative effects, promotes relaxation, making the body more receptive to arousal. Beta-caryophyllene has stress-relieving properties that help reduce anxiety and create a calm state of mind, essential for a better sexual experience. 

These terpenes work synergistically with cannabinoids to elevate mood, reduce inhibitions, and improve sexual satisfaction. By incorporating terpene-rich cannabis products, individuals can experience enhanced mood and better arousal, leading to a more fulfilling and pleasurable sexual experience.

Increased Blood Flow

Some terpenes act as natural vasodilators, widening blood vessels and improving circulation throughout the body. This increased blood flow can be especially advantageous for sexual health, as it may enhance genital sensitivity, arousal, and overall pleasure. 

My Experience with Terpenes for Arousal

So I started messing around with limonene-forward strains, in this case, the Lemon Ak THCA Prerolls and it’s – like, mood booster. Like, I’m a mood booster when I’m on stuff like this. I’m so euphoric and so ready to be with you at a deeper level, and it just makes me feel better, I’m just more there, and that really helps everything get way more intense. I had read some articles on terpenes for sex to enhance my understanding of arousal terpenes, and was glad I did.

Honestly, my sex life has been so much better since I’ve been using terpenes. I feel like my libido is just turned up, and I just, I just have better sex. There’s even research that suggests people who smoke marijuana might have more sex, probably because of the terpenes and cannabinoids involved that have more sexual function and desire.

Look, it’s not going to change your life. But, if you ever feel like stress from work or the fatigue from a long day keeps you from being in the mood, terpenes can help and are worth a try.

Pros and Cons of Using Terpenes for Arousal

While there are various benefits of terpenes for arousal, there are some cons as well that people should be aware of.

Pros of Terpenes for Arousal

Natural Alternative: If you want a natural alternative to prescription medications for sexual enhancement, terpenes might be more appealing because they avoid pharmaceutical side effects. Plant-based terpenes can provide a more organic way to enhance sexual arousal without the harsh chemicals found in some medications.

Amplified Feelings and Euphoria: Some terpenes are known for their uplifting and sensation-amplifying effects, such as limonene and terpinolene. Prolonged pleasure can increase the intensity of sexual experiences, making them more enjoyable and memorable.

Better Libido and Stamina: Linalool, beta-caryophyllene, and other terpenes are known to be anxiolytic and stress-relieving. By decreasing stress and anxiety, these terpenes could remove psychological barriers to sexual desire and performance, leading to better libido and stamina.

Cons of Terpenes for Arousal

Allergic Reactions: Terpenes can cause allergic reactions, including skin irritation and respiratory issues. Those with preexisting allergies or sensitivities should be cautious. Performing a patch test or consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable to avoid potential reactions and ensure safe use of terpene-rich cannabis products.

Overstimulation: High doses of terpenes like myrcene can cause excessive sedation or drowsiness, negatively impacting sexual performance. Overstimulation may reduce libido and sexual enjoyment. Finding the right balance and using terpene-rich products in moderation is crucial to avoid unwanted sedation and achieve the desired benefits.

Inconsistent Effects: Terpenes’ effects can vary greatly between individuals due to body chemistry, tolerance, and specific terpene-cannabinoid combinations. What works for you won’t necessarily work for your partner. This variability can make it challenging to predict outcomes and achieve consistent results. Personalized experimentation and careful observation are necessary to find the right terpene profile for each person.

Best Terpenes For Arousal - Supporting Image

Best Terpenes for Male Arousal

Now that we’ve established the preface of what terpenes can do for arousal, here are the best terpenes for males.


Myrcene, an earthy and musky terpene, is known for its sedative effects. While this may seem counterintuitive for arousal, a moderate amount of myrcene can help you unwind and reduce performance anxiety, allowing you to be more present and engaged during intimate encounters.

Furthermore, myrcene has been shown to enhance the permeability of cell membranes, potentially intensifying the effects of other terpenes and cannabinoids. This heightened sensory perception may lead to more pleasurable and satisfying sexual experiences.


Pinene, a terpene with a fresh pine aroma, is known for its energizing and focus-enhancing properties. This can be particularly beneficial for men who struggle with fatigue or mental distractions that hinder their ability to engage fully in sexual activity.

Other than that, pinene has been shown to have bronchodilatory effects, meaning it can help open up airways and improve breathing. This increased respiratory function may lead to better stamina and endurance during intimate encounters.


Linalool, a floral terpene found in lavender and certain cannabis strains, has powerful stress-reducing and anxiolytic properties. By promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, linalool can help alleviate performance anxiety and create a more conducive environment for arousal and pleasure.

Linalool has also been shown to interact with several receptor systems in the body, including those involved in sensory processing. This interaction may lead to heightened sensory experiences, making physical touch and intimate encounters more enjoyable and satisfying.

Best Terpenes for Female Arousal

While there are certain terpenes that work well for both males and females, most terpenes will have varying levels of effectiveness based on your gender. Here are the best terpenes for female arousal.


Caryophyllene is a spicy terpene, often found in black pepper and cloves, acts as a natural vasodilator, improving circulation and enhancing genital sensitivity. Strains like Lemon Cookie THCA Flower contain high levels of caryophyllene, making them ideal for boosting arousal and pleasure.

Moreover, caryophyllene has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate discomfort or pain during sexual activity, allowing you to focus on pleasurable sensations instead.


Terpinolene is a complex terpene, with notes of pine, citrus, and floral aromas, providing an energetic and uplifting effect that can help combat fatigue and increase stamina during intimate encounters. Maui Wowie THCA Flower is a great choice for those seeking a terpinolene-rich strain.

Terpinolene’s ability to promote mental clarity and focus can help you stay present and engaged during sexual activity, leading to a more satisfying and connected experience with your partner.


Humulene, a terpene with a woody and earthy aroma, has been shown to enhance tactile sensitivity, making physical touch and caresses feel more intense and pleasurable. Strains like Gorilla Freeze Cake THCA Flower are high in humulene, offering a sensual and intimate experience.

Unlike some terpenes that can cause drowsiness, humulene provides a relaxing effect without sedation, allowing you to unwind and get in the mood without feeling sleepy or lethargic.

Where to Find the Best Terpenes for Arousal

When searching for the best terpenes for arousal, you may find that not all cannabis brands prioritize terpene profiles or offer strains specifically targeted toward enhancing libido and sexual pleasure. 

Twenty One Cannabis sets itself apart by providing a wide selection of terpene-rich strains, such as Sugar Cookie THCA Flower and Lemon Ak THCA Prerolls, which are carefully curated to boost arousal and improve your intimate experiences.

While some brands may focus solely on THC or CBD content, Twenty One Cannabis understands the importance of terpenes in creating specific effects, like increased libido and heightened sensory perception. 

We provide detailed terpene information for each strain, allowing you to make informed decisions based on your desired outcomes.

With Twenty One Cannabis, you get:

  • Transparency in Terpene Profiles: We prioritize transparency and openly share the terpene profiles of their strains, empowering you to choose products that align with your arousal goals. 
  • Targeted Arousal-boosting Strains: With a focus on strains high in terpenes like limonene, linalool, and caryophyllene, Twenty One Cannabis offers products specifically designed to enhance sexual desire and pleasure. 
  • Quality and Potency: Twenty One Cannabis sources high-quality, potent cannabis to ensure that their terpene-rich strains deliver the desired effects consistently. 

Final Thoughts

Terpenes provide a natural approach to boosting arousal and enhancing intimate encounters. Limonene, linalool, and terpinolene are key players in the world of arousal-boosting terpenes, offering a range of benefits from increased libido to heightened sensory experiences.

When exploring terpenes for arousal, look for strains high in these key compounds. Experiment with different terpene profiles to discover what works best for your body and preferences. Remember to start with low doses and gradually increase until you find the optimal amount that enhances your libido, sensations, and overall sexual satisfaction.

Exploring the world of terpenes for arousal can open up new avenues of pleasure and intimacy for you. With Twenty One Cannabis, you have access to a carefully selected range of terpene-rich strains designed to enhance your sexual experiences.

Shop our THCA products here and discover the perfect blend to elevate your intimate moments.

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Picture of Peer Review by: JJ Coombs
Peer Review by: JJ Coombs

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Colorado
Co-Founder & CEO at Arvida Labs

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